

# ./
Welcome to the redis service installer
This script will help you easily set up a running redis server

Please select the redis port for this instance: [6379]
Selecting default: 6379
Please select the redis config file name [/etc/redis/6379.conf]
Selected default - /etc/redis/6379.conf
Please select the redis log file name [/var/log/redis_6379.log]
Selected default - /var/log/redis_6379.log
Please select the data directory for this instance [/var/lib/redis/6379]
Selected default - /var/lib/redis/6379
Please select the redis executable path [/usr/local/bin/redis-server]
s#^port [0-9]{4}$#port 6379#;s#^logfile .+$#logfile /var/log/redis_6379.log#;s#^dir .+$#dir /var/lib/redis/6379#;s#^pidfile .+$#pidfile /var/run/;s#^daemonize no$#daemonize yes#;
Copied /tmp/6379.conf => /etc/init.d/redis_6379
Installing service...
./ line 178: update-rc.d: コマンドが見つかりません
 exists, process is already running or crashed
Installation successful!

と、いやいや"Installation successful!"じゃねぇよという出力が出る。というかchkconfigの登録に失敗する。


# sed -i -e "s/\!\`which chkconfig\`/\! \`which chkconfig\`/g" ./



# ./
Welcome to the redis service installer
This script will help you easily set up a running redis server

Please select the redis port for this instance: [6379]
Selecting default: 6379
Please select the redis config file name [/etc/redis/6379.conf]
Selected default - /etc/redis/6379.conf
Please select the redis log file name [/var/log/redis_6379.log]
Selected default - /var/log/redis_6379.log
Please select the data directory for this instance [/var/lib/redis/6379]
Selected default - /var/lib/redis/6379
Please select the redis executable path [/usr/local/bin/redis-server]
s#^port [0-9]{4}$#port 6379#;s#^logfile .+$#logfile /var/log/redis_6379.log#;s#^dir .+$#dir /var/lib/redis/6379#;s#^pidfile .+$#pidfile /var/run/;s#^daemonize no$#daemonize yes#;
Copied /tmp/6379.conf => /etc/init.d/redis_6379
Installing service...
Successfully added to chkconfig!
Successfully added to runlevels 345!
Starting Redis server...
Installation successful!

と、"./ line 178: update-rc.d: コマンドが見つかりません"が出力されなくなり、代わりにchkconfigの登録が成功する